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Does the Term Insurance plan cover natural death?

In the event of your natural death, a term insurance plan covering natural death is one of the best ways to secure your family from financial strain. The primary aim of the term insurance plan is to cover natural deaths and offers your family financial help to achieve their objectives and goals. A term insurance plan covers natural death as it gives full claim to the policyholder’s family and saves their future from the financial crisis. The term insurance covers the natural death and provides all the death benefits to the nominee of the policyholder if the policyholder demise during the tenure of the natural death insurance policy.

Does the term insurance plan cover natural deaths?

Yes, Term insurance plans do cover natural death due to premature causes. When an insured person faces sudden death, the assurer is legally compelled to provide their candidate with all the death benefits as stipulated in the policy document. Term insurance plans offer coverage of both natural death insurance policies or with some kind of disease. Even an insurance company may also postulate certain types of death that are not covered by term insurance plans

Thus, for a Potential assurer of a term insurance plan, it is exceedingly essential to know the death types; it is compulsory to know the types of natural death insurance plans covered in term insurance plans and those not covered in a term insurance plan.

These are some types of Natural death insurance policies, whether the policy is covered or not in the Term insurance plans.

Types of Death Covered by Term insurance policy

The types of natural deaths that are covered by term insurance plans are dependent on the natural death insurance policy terms and insurance company-

  • Death arising out of Medical Illness- 

If an Assured person dies due to some medical illness or a disease like cancer or kidney failure is also covered in a term insurance plan. Although, here are some important things you should note- coverage for both disease and medical illness are amuse by the insurer only if they arise after purchasing a natural death insurance policy.

  • Deaths arising out of natural causes

As we see above that, if the policyholder arising of natural death causes are directly covered by the Term insurance plan

  • Death arising out of COVID-19.

With The Covid-19 pandemic raging worldwide, many investors wonder whether term insurance plans give full coverage for this disease. But gratefully, natural death insurance plans do offer coverage after seeing the increasing death rate due to COVID-19.

  • Death arising out of Accidents.

Practically all term insurance plans usually covered accidental deaths as well. In India, there are almost 1.5 lacs cases of accidental death every year. And, if the insured person dies due to an accident, including a vehicle, a fire, or even electrical shocks, the insured family can still claim the death benefits provided by the insurer. 

Types of Death not covered under term insurance plans.

As mentioned above, you see the types of death covered by term insurance plans. Let’s talk about those deaths which are not covered by term insurance policies- 

  • Deaths arising out of participation in criminal activities

If the person dies as the direct contact of his partaking in criminal activities, such a death is automatically abdicated from the term insurance plans.

  • Death due to undisclosed pre-existing medical conditions

When you apply for an insurance plan, you must disclose any pre-existing health conditions you are suffering from, and you don’t disclose any such issues with the insurer in the future. If you have any type of premature death, then your insurer may not give the claim benefits to your nominee.

  • Deaths by Suicide

Most term insurance plans reject all coverage for deaths emerging from suicides. All term insurance plans cover such suicide case deaths within a one-year barring. Thus, it is a good idea to check with your insurance plan provider to ensure deaths by suicides.

  • Deaths arising out of the consumption of alcohol or drugs

When an insured person dies, whether by accident or overdose of alcohol and drugs, then this will not be included in your term insurance plan.

  • Accidental Death

Accidental death causes many problems like vehicles, an overdose of alcohol, etc. And if the insurer has a term insurance plan and they die with any unexpected death, the policy will not claim any profit. 

These are some Insurance policies that cover natural deaths. 

1) Natural death insurance policy by LIC New Jeevan Anand Plan.

This plan is a non-linked plan which provides an alluring combination of savings and protection. This plan provides financial protection against death throughout the insurer’s lifetime with the allocation of payment and the end of the selected policy term. 

  • Benefits
  1. Death Benefits= If the provided premium is paid, then the claims are paid.

If the insurer dies during the term policy, then the Death benefit, described as the Sum assured on death and delegated final additional bonus and reversionary bonus, if any of these bonuses, shall be payable. Where Sum Assured on Death is described as higher than 126% of the Sum assured. 

  • Participation in Profits= Policy must participate in the benefits of the corporation. It must be entitled to receive the reversionary bonuses announced as per the experimentation of the corporation during the term policy.
  • Optional Benefit:

LIC’s Accidental Death and Disability Benefit Rider= LIC’s disability benefit rider and accidental death is available as an optional benefit by paying the extra premium during the term plans.

Natural death insurance policy by SBI

  • SBI Life Saral Shield 
  • SBI Life Grameen Bima 
  • SBI Life eShield
  • SBI Life Smart Shield

What does the Natural Death insurance policy by SBI cover?

Term assurance plans or Natural death insurance plan offered by the State Bank of India covers death due to natural and medical conditions and accident-related conditions.

Benefits and Features of the plans offered-

1) SBI Life Saral Shield 

Premium Payment- The premium payments on the natural death insurance policy can be created half-yearly, single time, quarterly, yearly, and monthly on the basis of regular terms during the tenure of the policy.

  • Age Entry– The maximum age for buying this natural death term plan is 60 years, and the minimum age to purchase this policy is 18 years.
  • Minimum Premium Amount– The minimum amount of premium that will be paid under this policy is Rs 1100 for half-yearly, Rs 250 for monthly, Rs 600 for quarterly, Rs 2000 for yearly, and Rs 10,000 for single premium.
  • Basic Sum Assured– The maximum term assured under this natural death insurance plan is 24,00,000, and the minimum Sum assured is Rs 7,50,000.

2) SBI life Grameen bima

  • Premium payment– In this natural death insurance plan, premiums will be paid only one single time.
  • Premium amount– The maximum premium paid under this natural death insurance plan is Rs 50,000, and the minimum premium is Rs 10,000.
  • Age of Entry– The maximum age for buying this SBI natural death insurance plan is 50 years, and the minimum age is 18 years. 
  • Basic Sum assured– The Sum assured lying under this SBI Life- Grameen Bima for a natural death insurance plan is 50 times the single premium paid if the policyholder age is 18 to 38, and if the policyholder age is 39 to 43, then 40 times and 25 times if the policyholder age band is 46 to 50.

3) SBI Life Smart eShield 

  • Premium Payment– The premium payments on the natural death insurance plan is created for a yearly, quarterly, half-yearly, single time, on the basis of the regular term during the tenure of term plans. 
  • Minimum premium amount– The minimum premium paid under this natural death insurance plan by SBI is Rs 1500 half-yearly, Rs 300 monthly, 750 quarterly, Rs 3000 annually, and Rs 11000 for a single premium.
  • Age Entry– The maximum entry for a natural death insurance policy from SBI is 65 years, and the minimum is 18 years.

4) SBI Life Smart Shield

  • Premium Payment– The premium payment will be created as yearly, half-yearly, monthly, quarterly, single time, or monthly regularly during the tenure of the natural death insurance plan.
  • Minimum Premium Payment– The minimum premium amount paid is Rs 1500 for half-yearly, Rs 300 for monthly, Rs 750 for quarterly, Rs 3000 for annually, and Rs 11000 for a single time.
  • Age Entry– The maximum age for buying this SBI natural death insurance policy is 60 years, and the minimum age for buying this natural death insurance plan is 18 years.
  • Basic Sum Assured– The minimum Sum assured under this natural death insurance plan is Rs 26,00,000.


As we give you some information about all the natural death insurance policy and their types which are covered or not covered in these term insurance plans. We show which plans give the full coverage, which ones cancel all the claims to provide the nominee, and after all this, we will show you which term insurance plans give Natural death insurance plan with full claim settlement. Therefore, it is a good idea to contact your insurance provider, who will advise you to buy those policies that also provide claims for natural death insurance plans


Q1. Do term insurance plans offer accidental cover?

Ans1. If the policyholder cannot pay the premiums and suffers from an illness or disease, then the good term insurance covers natural death and pays the Sum insured to treat your diseases. It is covered in a natural death insurance policy and will help you to pay your hospital fees and other expenses.

Q2. Does term life insurance pay death benefits or not?

Ans2. Yes, term life insurance pays the death benefit if, during the defined period of time, the policyholder dies; that’s called a natural death insurance plan. No benefits are paid if the policyholder is still alive and the term expires.

Q3. Is Heart attack covered under term insurance?

Ans3. Yes, it is a natural death criterion that covers death by heath attack. Some natural death insurance policies will offer this to insurers.

Q4. What is the age limit for buying a natural death insurance policy?

Ans4. The maximum age for buying a natural death insurance policy is 60, and the minimum age to buy a natural death insurance plan is 18.

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